Our company’s journey begins in 1969 when Luigi Scotti, born and living in Cornate d’Adda carries out his entrepreneurial dream and establishes L.A.P.A.P. (acronym for Lavorazione Articoli Plastici Alta Produzione). In the beginning, with a couple injection moulding machines, the production is guided towards accessories for metallic and wooden furniture. In the following years, sensing good opportunities in the nursery field, he starts the production of vases, saucers and flower boxes.
His talent and the versatility of his ideas bring him to approach certain areas of the homeware sector, which allows him to mould materials that require specific attention. When he suddenly passes away, the baton passes to the second generation: his daughter Lorenza and her husband Maurilio Arlati receive the company inheritence, and continue the activity, sharing the technical and marketing tasks.